
Class 7

1.I think that emotions and facial expressions are universal across borders. When we happy, we are smiling. Then, we express by body what we mean. For example, we are hugging, high five, and so on.
2.happy=嬉しい、幸せな、楽しい sad=悲しい dislike=嫌いである annoying=いらいらさせる like=~が好きだ unpleasant=不快にさせる dull=面白くない、あきあきする troublesome=面倒くさい、やっきな satisfactory=満足な、十分な mad=怒った、頭にきた
3.I think that dialects are difficult to translat. For example, しんどい or たいぎい in Hiroshima dialest. Plural means are included in one word.  


Class Number 6 Greetings

My answers
1.When I wake up, left house, arrive at my house, go to bed, I greet my family.
2.Greeting people keep relationship and look condition. Greeting is the one of the sommunication.
3.Almost yes. I think that when I greet men, a little nervous. But, when I greet senior person, I use polite words.
4.No. In Japan, we don't have hugging clture. Therefore, I didn't hug anyone. These are relevant to culture. If I were American, I will hug people.